Explore On-Demand Courses

Here are all the courses you will have access to starting July 25th.

Join a Seesaw Meetup!

New this year: Join in the fun at a Seesaw Meetup! Whether virtual or in-person, Seesaw Meetups are your chance to hang out with other educators, enjoy each other, and share some great ideas to use immediately in your classroom. Meetups will take place throughout the entire year and a passionate member of the Seesaw Community will be your host.

Don't have a Seesaw Learning Hub account?

To enroll in courses and events, you must create a Seesaw Learning Hub account. Sign up with the same email address you use to access Seesaw. If you're not yet using Seesaw, use your school email. Type in a new password that you will use the access the Seesaw Learning Hub.
Use the same email address you use when signing in to your Seesaw account image

*All Seesaw Pioneers, Seesaw Ambassadors, and Seesaw Certified Educators, as well as all past Seesaw Connect participants have an account already. Sign in to your existing Seesaw Learning Hub account. 

Get Full Access to Seesaw Connect

Several Seesaw Connect events are exclusive to Seesaw Professional Learning Community educators (Seesaw Pioneers, Ambassadors, and Certified Educators). Don’t miss out on your opportunity to experience everything at Seesaw Connect - join the Seesaw Pioneer community in just 45-minutes today!

🚀  Seesaw Pioneers are educators who are ready to take their Seesaw knowledge and connections to the next level. They gain inspiration and ideas from educators around the world and unlock countless free resources to up-level their experience with Seesaw.