Getting Started with Seesaw
This course is for teachers who are new to Seesaw. This course will get teachers up and running on Seesaw to create engaging learning experiences that make thinking and learning visible.
- Getting started
- Navigating the Seesaw Journal
- Capture Learning in Student Portfolios
- Engage with Families
- Create a Seesaw Activity

Using Seesaw for Instruction
This course is for teachers who are new to Seesaw or have a beginner level knowledge of Seesaw. This course will support teachers in delivering high-quality, standards aligned instruction that empowers students to make their thinking and learning visible.
- The Seesaw Library Overview
- Integrate lessons into your instructional routines
- Assign lessons to support differentiation
- Standards View on the Progress Dashboard

Get Families Started
This course is for teachers who are new to Seesaw or have a beginner level knowledge of Seesaw. This course will support you in getting your families started using Seesaw to engage them in the learning happening in the classroom.
- Engage families with student learning experiences
- Invite families to connect
- Create a welcome post